The High Lonesome 100 is committed to excellence, and we will continually strive to meet the highest levels of quality in our planning, organization, and implementation of our race. We believe in honesty and transparency, and will act in a manner that enhances the reputation of the ultra-running community. Our goal is to create a high quality ultra-marathon and trail running event in Colorado that benefits the runners, communities, volunteers, sponsors, environment, and auxiliary users.
We understand the dedication of the 100 mile runner, and will strive to meet all their administrative and physical needs. We will treat our runners with professionalism, and will seek to improve our event through their feedback. Our goal is to create an enjoyable and safe event that enables runners to experience the mountains in meaningful ways. We will educate our runners about the difficulties and objective dangers of running a mountainous Colorado ultra-marathon, and be considerate of their needs in the planning of the High Lonesome 100.
We believe that preserving the beautiful lands that the High Lonesome uses is an ethical imperative, and we will operate all aspects of our race in a way that ensures the betterment of the land. Land use and preservation are not mutually exclusive, and we believe that enabling runners to experience the mountains will foster a sense of ownership and conservationism. We recognize the impact that large events can have on the fragile ecosystems we run through, and that the preservation of those areas requires us to be leaders in environmental sustainability. Constant and proactive analysis of the environmental impact is a foundation to our planning.
We are dedicated to develop, engage, inspire, and sustain our body of volunteers. We recognize the large degree that we depend on our volunteers to produce the High Lonesome 100, and will treat all volunteers with fairness and gratitude. We wish our volunteers to have ownership in our event and to be responsible in their actions. We will plan diligently and communicate proactively to ensure that volunteers are prepared, safe, and valued. Open communication and feedback are central to our goal of continual improvement, and we rely heavily on our volunteers to enable us to meet that goal.
We recognize the impact that the High Lonesome 100 has on the surrounding communities, and will strive to maximize the positive effects and minimize the negative effects. We will strive to engage the local communities in a manner that improves their economic, cultural, and environmental situation. We will attempt to assist with local causes and align our resources with local organizations whose values we share.
We recognize the appeal of the High Lonesome 100 to businesses, and we will treat our partners and interested parties with honesty, transparency, and equity. Our primary goal is the success of our runners, and having healthy partnerships can enable us to better reach that goal. As such we welcome mutually beneficial sponsorships and will operate in a manner that reflects positively on our sponsors and their products. We will strive to foster long-term partnerships with those parties that have helped us succeed.
We appreciate the draw of the mountains, and understand that we are part of a greater community of users. We will do our best to take into consideration the experiences and needs of other users when planning our trail running event in Colorado. As ambassadors of our sport, we expect our runners, volunteers, and sponsors to be courteous and considerate during any interactions with other users.